From Isaiah...

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A small investment starts you on the path to gaining your own testimony of how crucially important Isaiah's message is for our day and for your own salvation. Consider it your spiritual preparedness for the end-time that is now shaping into being and for an eternity that is soon to come.

All our materials are teaching tools-no opinions, hearsay, quotes from authorities, secondary sources, manuals, or fluff. As you will perceive from Isaiah's message, your studies before the major events begin that Isaiah predicts may prove to be a matter of life or death for you and yours.


We recommend you take advantage of our free study materials here, as well as:

Avraham Gileadi, Analytical Commentary of Isaiah. The best single companion available for Judeo-Christian listeners desiring to know Isaiah’s prophetic message for our day (Hebraeus Press, 2006, 30 hours listening).
ISBN 978-0-910511-15-2. $19.95.  DETAILS
NEW!  Avraham Gileadi, Apocalyptic Commentary of the Book of Isaiah (Hebraeus Press, 2013).  A detailed verse-by-verse analysis of Isaiah’s end-time prophecy for Judeo-Christian students and readers.
ISBN 978-0-910511-29-2;  Softcover:  Pre-Publication price $22.95 regularly $29.95.  DETAILS


In addition to the above (Beginner) materials, we recommend:

Avraham Gileadi, Isaiah Decoded: Ascending the Ladder to Heaven. A comprehensive overview of Isaiah’s prophetic message for Judeo-Christian readers (Hebraeus Press, 2012 edition).
ISBN 978-0-910511-21-7. $9.95. DETAILS

Avraham Gileadi, The Literary Message of Isaiah. A ground-breaking literary approach to analyzing Isaiah’s writings for Judeo-Christian students and readers (Hebraeus Press, 2012 edition).
ISBN 978-0-910511-22-5. $9.95. DETAILS

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